UPDATED - 1st April 2021
**We are remaining open at Darlington, Aycliffe, Durham, Chester Le Street, Sunderland and Consett 8.30am-5.30pm Monday-Friday, 8.30 to 3pm Saturday.**
Our skilled team of technicians are equipped to help solve virtually any problem that arises with your car - and if you catch it soon enough, we’ll probably be able to repair it for you before it becomes a big expensive issue (which is why we always encourage you to pop over for regular servicing or to receive a free health check).

Covid-19 Business Information
How Croxdale Fast Fit adapted to Covid-19 and our updated reports.

What it means for Croxdale Fast Fit, our Staff & Customers
We are closely monitoring and adhering to government advice regarding the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak. The health / wellbeing of our customers and staff is a top priority.
We are continuing to operate from all six of our branches at present.
All of our staff are aware of the current government advice and are undertaking additional practices to ensure our vehicles and premises adhere to high-quality hygiene standards.
All vehicles entering our workshops will be handled by staff who have followed our hygiene regulations. (Disinfecting vehicle touchpoints.)
To book your vehicle in, or if you have any concerns or queries you can get in touch with us via fastfit@croxdalegroup.com or call us on:
Durham (Croxdale) Branch: 01388 814062
Chester Le Street Branch: 0191 3874444
Consett Branch: 01207 507777
Darlington Branch: 01325 389000
Newton Aycliffe Branch: 01325 321122
Sunderland Branch: 0191 5678988

Steps that we are taking in response to Government advice:
1. We are taking every precaution necessary to limit the spread of the virus, closely following the advice of government experts.
2. We continue to follow strict hygiene regulations. We have stocked up on plenty of hand-wash to ensure constant hand washing facilities for staff and customers.
3. All vehicles entering our workshops will be handled by staff who have followed our hygiene regulations, with technicians using new gloves, these are changed at regular intervals, new seat covers and floor mats on every vehicle.
4. The main interior and exterior touch points will be wiped down with antibacterial wipes on exiting the vehicle.
5. Anti-bacterial wipes are available at all branch receptions for customer use.
6. Reception touch points such as PDQ machines, desks, seating area, door handles are all regularly disinfected.
7. Verbal authorisation for work, we will confirm and sign on your behalf (rather than customers using a pen to sign signature).
8. In line with other businesses, we are now operating a 'card only' payment system, please do not bring or use cash to pay for your invoice.
9. Maintain a 2 metre gap with customers and staff, we ask our customers to adopt this strategy too, maintain these spaces inside and outside of our customer receptions. We currently cannot allow customer waiting in our receptions due to risk assessments and resulting social distancing requirements.
We understand there is a lot of uncertainty at this time but we will continue to follow the government's advice.
Stay safe, keep positive, take care of yourself and others, and we wish you all the very best during this difficult period. We will ALL work together and we will get through this.
Best wishes,
David Urwin,
Managing Director
Important News - Croxdale Fast Fit Gateshead
As a valued customer of Croxdale Fast-Fit we have some important news for you.
After a great deal of consideration, we have taken the decision not to re-open our Gateshead Branch after its temporary closure on 10th April 2020 due to Covid-19.
This decision was not taken lightly and will inevitably affect not just our Croxdale family but you and your family as well.
Covid-19 has had a devastating effect on various business across the country. Moving forward we need to streamline our business so that we can still offer the same value for money repairs for all our customers during these difficult times.
Many thanks again,
David Urwin,
Managing Director
Croxdale Fast-Fit Limited
Our business from the Gateshead Branch will be centralised to one of our other sites, the closest to you being;
Chester-le-Street Branch
Park Road South
Phone Number
0191 387 4444
Consett Branch
Sherburn Terrace
Phone Number
01207 507 777
As a valued customer of Croxdale Fast-Fit we have some important news for you.
After a great deal of consideration, we have taken the decision not to re-open our Gateshead Branch after its temporary closure on 10th April 2020 due to Covid-19.
This decision was not taken lightly and will inevitably affect not just our Croxdale family but you and your family as well.
Covid-19 has had a devastating effect on various business across the country. Moving forward we need to streamline our business so that we can still offer the same value for money repairs for all our customers during these difficult times.